ATROMG8 AMA — The Wealth Club

The Wealth Club
12 min readNov 25, 2020

Welcome everyone to the ‘Ask Me Anything’ of one of our top tiered picks named Atromg8. We are delighted to present this project to you. It’s been on our radar for quite a long time now, and we couldn’t keep this one away for you, it’s simply too good!

Let’s go!

Lets start with you introducing yourself and your team crypto related.

I am Milivoje Batista and the Founder of the Project and for several years in the Industry working as a project manager and since about 2013 in Blockchain projects. I get some diplomas from Oxford in Blockchain and one from Harvard for Cyber security. My focus is on data protection and privacy. Former projects in which I was participating where done in other fields for companies like Loreal, Swatch, Skidata, UBS, and some other great names. Before that i was several years director of International Affairs of the Europen Development commission a private entity with a huge impact in education, finance and distribution.

Some of the the guys with me in the team is Herbert Sterchi who is helping us to form the legal side and the corporate structure. He is the former COO of Thomson Reuters and one of the guys behind Ethereum the second largest crypto structure in the world and today in the Board of Consensys and founder of that what you know of the Crypto Valley in Switzerland in 2015. Or Dr. William Nonnis who is Fullstack and Blockchain Developer at the Ministry of Defense in Italy and Jorge Sebastiao who is the former CTO of Huawei Mena region. There are many more but this would break the frame we have here.

Network is everything and in this Business, no chance to build big things if you dont have the right people on your side.

Did you say Ministry of Defense?

Yeah, Data protection is the Gold and crude Oil of the 21st Century and in the most Countries they are on top of it to make sure there are not new facebooks and Instagrams builded. Otherwise they will not support or advice the Institutions and Universities to use your platform.

Can you tell me exactly what $Ag8 is all about? What is the usecase?

ATROMG8 is a platform that combines several levels of Data security and privacy under one umbrella. The environment is based on the social media platform which is built in a combination of a Blockchain and a MixNet structure. The Blockchain is build of several parts first the EOS algorithm which we adjusted slightly an build combined it with the LLARP protocol for securing communication introduced earlier by LOKI.

Around this, we have several services we are providing with partners who are for many years in the education industry and corporate market building. Together we try to cover the need for the post-pandemic situation and support several projects which we are building together and just about to go live and some part allready went live.

Our focus is here education, a new market for small and medium companies, and es well environmental protection and humanitarian projects. On this context we are as well the first Blockchain which is going on a Satallite in the lower orbit. A project of Accubits technologies in combination with the Kerala Space Agency and SpaceX who is transporting the Satellite. We are providing much more security for Data Transfer and IoT projects trough an extraterrestrial approach.

User, data security and privacy are very important indeed!

Data Security is the biggest thing! All we do will be Data in future! If you think what i can collect from you and your family and if i have all this data combined. I can manipulate you how ever i want and i can do things to you which you ae not even dream in your worst nightmare about

How long has this project been around and what did you achieve so far?

Basic frameworks oft he project have being around for several years and we dit have several groups which were working before independently and merger then all to one Group on the 26th of October 2019 in Milan to which is today known as

The Teams are all over the World and working in different fields today which gives us the possibility to implement so many different use cases in the coming months.

How big is the team actually?

All Team are now around 200 down sized due to corona in 8 different projects. The Main Team is in Switzerland, Estonia, Mumbai and Kerala with about 30 person.

Are there any competitors you know off? If so what makes Ag8 different?

I dont really know as we see some of the project in different singullar projects but until of today or as far as i know there is nothing else out there at the moment. All projects which i know are providing some parts but not one the ecosystem like we are building.

So users wont have to use separate services anymore?

No once it is finished then all the useful tools are on one platform. From Social Media over co working spaces and project groups as well as payment tools and document share. It is a lot and the difficult thing here is to make it then in a good flow that the user does not get overwhelmed.

What are your strategies to ensure mass adoption of the project? How can we see the $ag8 price and users rise in the future?

This are two complicated questions.

Let me tell you about our strategy first;

We are not focused only on the crypto world. We are using Blockchain and crypto as solution for our ecosystem! The Marketing is going conventional ways as we want to be available for everyone. We have special programms which we are bringing to the project to rais awarness of crypto and support this way the mass adoption trough our students all over the world. Of course we will as well go hard in in the crypto space with the marketing but its not the only channels we are using as it would be difficult to reach the numbers of users we are targeting over the next few years! Detaild Marketing plan is in preparation and will be soon released.

On the other side we are building with huge organizations pre defined projects which we build on their request like the Kerala Healthcare Project. This way we are not building a product and try to find the buyer. We are building for them and have the buyer already. this is helping us to reach the critical mass.

We are focusing on large projects and are mainly at the moment working on them for different Gov structures in India and Brazil because we have their 1,5 Billion citizens with a clear and eminent need of these tools.

I’m very curious if the users of the organizations like the platform..

They like it already! Of course we have to improve the Design a little and we will have to fix during the work a lot but the basic feedback was very good. we are not try to copy existing things rather go our own way and keep the functionality in mind.

Can you tell me a bit more about what partnerships there are currently and what does this mean for the project?

We have several project ongoing from healthcare projects up to huge Universities who are building already their ideas on the platform. This is important as we need like any other project a larg user base and this is in my opinion only reachable with active projects. We can share some links of media which are going deep in to this theme. It is to big to share all now here and we done want to bother the cummunity here. But the most important at least at the moment are:

- IBREI Brazil (Network of 30`000 Companies in 20 countries)

- EVODIGITALE Team in Italy who is implementing the ecosystems to Italian universities and institutions

- Accubtis Technologies who are involved in many gov projects and partner for the technological part for the Healthcare Projects in India and Brazil

- IEEE Kerala who are starting to build with us an environment for students to get a easier entry in the international industry and research world.

There are many more we can talk but honestly it will be to much..

Is there any estimate of how many organizations will be waiting to aboard the platform soon?

Yes there are some which are much bigger and we spoke about it and I shared already some information but we are not able and allowed to share it in public now!

IBREI alone has in direct connection over 250 Organizations!

But its not known yet how many will want to use the $Ag8 platform?

You can see that we had a test for the event platform and we had in the first few sessions over 3000 companies participating. We had as well ambassadors and Ministry of foreign affairs as well as representatives from other big organizations.

Seems like mass adoption is already taking care off here. It’s the biggest problem for other projects right now..

These are all huge but to give you now a number where this will lead to is difficult. The only thing i know is that the main reason that they came is the security and privacy for their business and no one is spying on them as we do not have any access. Not to your messages nor to wallet or any other thing which belings to the user and that is the main point here!

Are there any other partnerships you are looking for or yet to come up?

Yes we have some very special coming up but i cant share that yet! We have to finish the use case with them and make it work before we are allowed to share in public. I can share it private but not public..

But, one i can share;
We are as well working with our partner Accubits on the World Yoga School which is the basis of all the Yogis world wide with over 20 Universities in India. I love it because we are there providing the Social Media Environment and the Certification on Blockchain. With over 6 Million connected partners one of the largest institutions and the centrum of this industry world wide. I love it because it is a very special thing to me.

What purposes does the $Ag8 coin have for users on the platform?

AG8 is our native coin. Mean of payment for almost everything. You need it to buy ram to pay for the certification process or for the additional data space you might need.

Let me give you an example:
If you use the social media platform. You have up to 5 giga for free. You can delete messages and then post fresh once or you buy additional space on the platform. The Big Universities and Institutions need 100x more per year

Or you are issuing certificates for your students. then every certificate cost to be issued and a small confirmation fee every time you send it for reconfirmation.

If you calculate only India then we are talking about a potential of 300 Million Students and cerificates.

Additional can every supply chain or quality certificate as well be issued this way. Like ISO Certificate etc.

We are talking about billion of certificates world wide every year faked. The damage is huge in the industry and all the heat hunters who are employing are wasting millions of dollars only for the verification. It is one of the most important tools of the platform and the market is worldwide over 100 Billion USD only for certification.

The market is as 10x as big if you have the supply chain and PII data certification involved

Personal Identifiable Information = PII

How does this section and the users of the ag8 platform relates to the ag8 price at the exchanges?

Not at all as we are not pumping and dumping! Let me explain one or two points;

ATROMG8 is a project which is changing the world over time. We are building the project not to improve the coin price rather we want that the price is growing sustainable. In other words. We know that it is a logical consequence that the price goes up and stays there the more users we have. Thats the reason we are investing in the project and the use case and not that much in you tube promoters and hype activities.

We have started with 440 Million Coins and due to some burning activities we are down to 84 Million. From every transaction fee we are burning 1% which is micro but huge over time. Then we are not returning all the coins used for service back to the market. Here again we are burning between 10 and 25% subject to the terms and conditions of service provided. This is going down to 33 Million coins over time.

We strongly believe that if we want to reach prices of like 185 USD
That we can not have so many coins on the market. Why should we. 1 ATROM has 100 Million Betrom which is the smaller unit here. Even with 33 Million we have so much that we can easy take care for the service on the platform.

So the supply will be more than :10 from where it came from right?

We are then down to 8% of where we came from.

This should be part of the Defcon 3 part 2 Announcement but i thought it is good that the community understands where we are going and how!

In addition we are supporting all the people who believe in the project and strongly support us with the Staking process which is open from the 1st of December. This way we are using a crypto tool which is giving us a little bit more time to build without pressure!

Also to the upcoming long awaited uniswap listing, this will attract so many more audience aswell..

We know that many of the community members are frustrated as we are not doing what others do. But you will see that we are on the right path and we will reach prices which are much higher then we could reach trough conventional coins and hype activities.

UNISWAP is important to us. We want to participate in other markets and see what the dynamics are. As well we want to profit from liquidity and diversification on them. We have as well other plan in Dex and as well we are planning bigger exchanges. But we burned badly last time we announced Tier Two and then had to go back due to circumstances which were out of our control. Step by Step and once we are 100% sure we will make it public. I hope thats fair..

What are your plans with $ag8 for the future? What is the longterm vision of the project?

We are working on all this parts of the project and will welcome new partners and structures. The final goal is to have a data democratization which is allowing all stakeholders of the ecosystem to get information and the community protection from manipulation.
Our Chain of Love project which is taking 10% of every transaction fee should be real charity and support communities and children all over the world. Of course we can not do it over night but many of this points much sooner then you think at the moment! the world is in troubles and the partners are pressing for results. The first steps are taken and we will not rest before we get there and see the fruits of the past 7 years.

The Wealth Club team is on the bench now, let’s see if the community could score some goals with their questions :)

Regulation is very important. Projects are closed in many countries for failing to use proper regulations and permits. To be worldwide; how do you handle this problem?

We are taking country by country and will build up teams there and representatives. It is to complex to resolve it and offer the same service worldwide. At least when it comes to payment and crypto issues.

I got a very personal question, yet I hope it’ll be answered by you since I am very curious about it and I believe others are too!
Would you mind sharing how a typical day working at the AtromG8 project looks for you? What are your strategies to go about and which field do you need to coordinate, is it mostly calls and managing or also statistics etc?

And what task is it that you love the most while working at AtromG8?

Starting very early until late! I love everything about the project. Some days i am buying medicine for the employees and some days i am talking to the people. every day. I do 2–3 hours of support to understand better what is going on in the community!

Do I need to send my coins to another address where I dont hold the private keys or will staking be available on the Platform for each user directly without sending his coins to another wallet?

Staking is on your own wallet! You hold your keys and control over your communication as well coin account!

How do you attract investors to be interested in ATROMG8? Because some investors only focus on short-term prices rather than long term?

We are the wrong project for short term as we are not interested in pump and dumps.

Usually the project only tells about their strengths. Can you tell us honestly about the weaknesses of AtromG8 project now? And what are your plans to solve it?

We grow to fast in the numbers of projects which contacting us and want to work with us. We need to have better structures in place and organize us better in the sense of the team scaling without losing control over important part of the project. Solution is to hire more experienced project managers from other big groups over time and build production centers which are going by language and not by borders.

This was it for todays AMA with Atromg8. It was absolutely a blessing to have Milivoje over in our Telegram to give us a small insight in Atromg8. Thanks for your time, and if you want to learn more about Atromg8, we’ll drop some important links below! Ciao!




Exchanges: Probit (UNISWAP Soon)



The Wealth Club

The Wealth Club, a friendly cryptocurrency investing community.